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"The newly revitalized folk trio Rainbow Girls bring a strand of hope to a divided country and world with their latest album's titular track… It's stripped-back music with a real heart to it, encapsulating the very essence of what that phrase ‘American Dream’ was originally meant to convey."
- Jonathan Frahm, Pop Matters
“It is far from easy to write a contemporary, political folk song that sounds earnestly engaged and not anachronistic or self-regarding. Yet here is a lovely, frank song… with its share of direct political commentary and elusive, evocative lines… These three have honed a hopeful sound.”
- Ben Naddaff-Hafrey, NPR
“Rainbow Girls offer subdued folk tunes with rich harmonies. [American Dream] is a socially conscious record, one that explores the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement, the protests at Standing Rock, and concerns about the disintegration of the fabric of American culture.”
- Amy McCarthy, AOL’s The Boot
"The name Rainbow Girls is misleading. With a name like that... it is easy to assume this troupe is an easy-going, mandolin-plucking, sundress-twirling, hippie-dippie folk lovefest... But while there may be a grain or two of truth germinating in those ideas... the Rainbow Girls are something distinctly unique and wildly more varied than a typical band. Their sound and songs are distinctly fun and forward, with an almost dizzying carnival of talent; voices that occasionally sound more like Carolina Chocolate Drops than sweet-natured California coast girls; other times belting into jazzy riffs, and then shifting gears to a Country & Western lament."
- Phil Busse, The Source Weekley